What is an anthology, and what is this project?An anthology is a published collection of pieces of writing. This anthology will be focused on the relationships (romantic and otherwise) between members of the Zen'in clan from Jujutsu Kaisen. All pieces will be created by Ao3 author Cateil.

How many fics will be included in the anthology?This will be determined at the end of the interest check period.

Will the anthology be all new (unposted) fics? Will old fics be included?To be determined by results of interest check.

Will there be a physical copy?At this time, I do not have plans to make physical copies. This project will be PDF only, unless enough interest is garnered, then perhaps I will revisit this question in the future.

What kind of content will be included?Please keep in mind that this project will contain Zenincest and feature other 18+, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat themes. All relevant CW/TW will be included at the beginning of each fic. Reader discretion advised.

What ships/pairings will be in the anthology? Will it be strictly Zenins, or will other characters be featured?To be determined by the results of the interest check, but I aim to have a well-rounded amount of Zenincest pairings (including rare pairs).
Megumi will be included as a Zenin.

How much will the anthology cost?To be determined by results of interest check.

What if my question isn't answered here?Please feel free to DM me on Twitter with any questions/concerns, or send me an anonymous message on Retrospring if you're shy!

What if I can't afford the PDF, but I still want to support the author?No pressure to do either! But if you enjoy my fics and want to support my work, you can always send me a tip through ko-fi or venmo.

Zenincest Portfolio

Want to read examples of my work?
Here are some of my posted Zenincest fics! Some have been written for zines/events, some for commissions, and some just for fun.
Please heed all Ao3 tags/warnings.

About Me

Hi, I'm Cat - full time worker by day and dark fic/kink writer by night.
Some of you may already know me or be familiar with my work, but if you're new here, welcome!
I mainly write for JJK now (but I have previously written for other fandoms as well; BNHA, YYH, Trigun), and my current focus is on the Zen'in family. I ran a Twitter poll some time ago (all the way back in 2022!) about potentially creating an anthology of some of my work, so here we are! My specialty is writing angst and porn (and lots of Zen'in fuckery), so if that sounds like your jam, you're in the right place.


Interest check: June 13 - June 23
Preorders: TBD
Progress update: TBD
PDFs sent out: TBD